Our next production will be Willy Wonka! We are thrilled to have Chad & Tina Mortenson directing again. You may remember them from Aladdin! They are awesome, fun directors. Thank you for agreeing to direct again, we love ya...
All of the Dates & times for tryouts, and call backs will be posted to this blog by no later than August 9th! Keep checking back. We are just getting all of our loose ends tie'd up!
One update that we would like to mention. Our dear sweet Kerynne has sold her house and moved. She has followed her hubby. We are all deeply thankful for her tireless devotion to Upstage. She is our founder and we are all in her debt! Thank you Kerynne, we love you! We miss you, come and see us soon.
The latest Group of Crazy Women in charge of Upstage is:
The Amazing and Musically Gifted- Lisa Hansen
The Silly, tireless worker, out of control- Dawn Garrett
The Lovely & Priceless- Queen Elizabeth Vance "Carrying of the Tradition"
The Beautiful, Awesome, Spirited "Woman of Salem"- Carrie Houtz
Our latest and greatest Little Spit Fire- Norma Barnum
The Nerdy, but funny- Michelle Fitzwater
If you have lots of questions, and you think we may be able to answer a few of them. You can reach any of us at the Upstage E-mail address!
Come visit us, and we will keep you posted.