This was a GREAT first week at rehearsals. These kids always amaze me. The cast is coming together quickly. It is so fun to watch the little ones, look up to the big kids. And the big kids are so cute as they help the little ones with dances that are way over their heads. May we (the Board) thank you again for letting us work with your kids.
There are just a few things that we need everyone to take note of. First, October 15th! The calender says everyone. We are changing that just a little. We need the following cast members only. WW, CM, C, all ensemble & Squirrels, M & J. Look on the legend at the bottom of the your calender to know exactly what those letters mean.
Another change to the calender. Several parent have brought up a problem. In January all the Monday rehearsals are scheduled for 3:30 to 5:30. This will be a problem for all the kids that get out of school at 3:15. So at those parent request we will be changing all the January & February Monday only rehearsals to 4:00 to 6:00pm. We are hopeful that this will still give families plenty of time for Family Night.
Also, if anyone brings Ipods, MP3 players, video games or anything like that. Please make sure to tell your kids to bring them into the rehearsal room. We have had in plays past, had things stolen out of the hall. So be careful.
Well, that is it for now. As always, contact a member of the Board if you have any questions. Everyone should have a newsletter with all of our contact information. We will see everyone next week. Thank you for all of your support.