Dear Cast and Parents-
Just a few things we need you to be aware of. On Monday, January 5th our first day back at rehearsals this year. Everyone will be receiving a Newsletter. If you child does not come home with one, ask Chad & Tina or one of the Board Member's for a copy. These are so important! The closer we get to Opening Night, the more important these notes to home become.
Also please check the side bar of this blog for Updates as well. They will be in the Newsletter, but occasionally we have a few things we really need you to not miss. And sometimes we will alert you to a Newspaper Article that is being done about the show. Just in case you would like to run out and pick it up for Scrapbooks.
Two very important items:
First, rehearsals on Mondays are now starting at 4pm and going until 6pm. We do not like to extend late on Monday nights, but because some of the school bus schedules. We must accommodate. So please make a note of that on your calenders. (there is one exception on Picture Day, check the side bar for that information)
Second, we will be handing out ticket sales sheets at the end of the first week in January. No one will be given tickets until they are paid for. You must keep close track of the sales sheets, and talk to Norma when you need to turn in money and pick up tickets. Remember that each cast member is responsible for selling at least 100 dollars worth of tickets.
We are so excited to get back to work. Please come prepared to really dig your heal in. We have so much to do, and so little time to do it. We have some really fun things coming up, including opening night. Parents we thank you for letting these amazing kids participate in this wonderful program. We love them, and enjoy seeing their talents blossom.
Happy New Year
The Producers