As it grows closer to performance time, we are running into a few problems. With 3 weeks left, we will no longer be accepting any early out, or late excuses. They are unacceptable! We have so few hours left, and we need the entire cast at rehearsals. Sickness, we understand is unavoidable.
On our performance days, we only have a total of 2 volunteers signed up to help. (both volunteers are signed up for different nights) We need a minimum of 2 parent helpers to be in the dance rooms with the cast the entire show every night. This is for the children's safety. Please call Dawn Garrett (465-7722) today, to volunteer. We need lots of help.
We want to thank you in advance to calling. We know often it is the same tireless volunteers that help every time. We appreciate your willingness. More than you know. And it is always on our minds when we consider casting any show.