Males Hairstyles:
Some may want to try the "ducktail." To accomplish this look you need "grease" or hairspray (A picture is below.) If you do not want the "Ducktail" you may try some other examples:
Ricky Nelson -- Slick but a little more loose (above)
Troy Donahue -- Part with a little slicked back (above)
Rock Hudson (above)
Young Elvis (Above)
Ducktail from the Back (Above)
DuckTail from the front (Above)
Female Hairstyles:
Every Female in the Show is to have a high Ponytail except the Evil Queen and Fairy Godmother. A ponytail and wrap it with a matching chiffon scarf OR ribbon that matches the color of their skirt. Similar to the picture right below.. those with or without bangs.
Fairy Godmother: Prom hairstyle (BELOW)
Either one.. Hair all up, curled-bun, as if she were going to PROM
Evil Queen: (Hair down and flipped) It could be half up and flip out. (Below)
Saddle Shoes (DI, Yard Sales, Online)...but they are not a must,
just IF anyone comes across them.
Black Shoes....NOT Tennis Shoes that have pictures or logos on them. The shoes need to be easy to move around in.
We are wanting stage makeup, but we thought we would go into a little more detail for those that would like a little help.
Females:Red Lipstick--not pinks, Brown base eyeshadow, Darker Brown on low eyelid, SOFT Blue where eye lid folds.

The ONLY ones that can have pretty glittery makeup everywhere is
Fairy Godmother, and the Trio.
Trio-not TOO MUCH!
Godmother-take it to town.
Males: No Foundation, Light Mascara if eyes are hidden and very little blush