Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all Upstagers and alumni! Hope this holiday season is enjoyable for you. If you live anywhere in southern Utah County you probably enjoyed a lot of snow shoveling this week like I did. Luckily, I have four wonderful teenage boys (and a couple of younger girls) who got out and helped too. By our unofficial measurement, we got 22" at my house in Spanish Fork. I'm sure there are other places that got much more. Hope you're taking some time to enjoy the snow as well. I know one of our board members, Michelle Fitzwater, got some amazing pictures of kids playing in the snow (some were even featured on KSL Channel 5--way to go Michelle) go to Facebook and check them out. We love Michelle and her camera!! Michelle, you rock!!

Ok, now an update on auditions for Narnia. Auditions are January 14th at Liberty Academy in Salem/Elk Ridge, and January 15th at the Peteetneet in Payson. Callbacks will be January 18th at Liberty Academy and the cast list should be posted by the 19th.

The first Parent Meeting (mandatory for all cast to have at least one parent representative there) is on January 22nd at Liberty Academy. Watch for exact times to come shortly.
Auditions are coming up quickly, so you should start picking out your music. Please don't come to auditions unprepared. Come ready to "knock it out of the park" (to borrow a baseball analogy). We're looking forward to seeing you there.
Have a great Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, Holiday season and a Happy New Year.