1) I've started sending out tracks via email. If any of the cast members have not been receiving these email, please let me know. Send an email to julianna.boulter@gmail.com, and I will send the tracks.
2) Even though we don't have rehearsal this week, that doesn't mean practicing should stop! We are about to open the show, which means everyone needs to keep working hard, even through the break. Spend a little time each day going over blocking, lines, music, and choreography. Don't forget anything.
3) When we come back to rehearsal next week, everything MUST BE MEMORIZED. For every line and entrance missed, YOU WILL OWE ONE DOLLAR. Please don't come up to us with excuses about how you can't pay because you don't have a job and you don't make money. If you don't have money to pay the dollar, don't miss any of your lines or entrances. No excuses. Get it memorized. (If there are parents who have concerns about this, you can feel free to call Julianna at 801-787-1341. If your children come to you and ask you to pay the dollar, DON'T. This is supposed to be a consequence for them, no the parents. The cast is supposed to be memorized, and they know this. If they absolutely can't pay the dollar, we'll work it out of them through slave labor.)
4) From here on out, we are getting into "do or die" mode. We have all worked so hard, and we want to make sure that our hard work pays off in the end. Because of this, we expect everyone to be in attendance this week. NO MORE ABSENCES OR TARDIES. Also, if we are not able to accomplish all that we need to in the two hours of rehearsal time, we will stay later. Please be prepared for this. We have been quite lenient with absences and missed time at rehearsals, so please be patient as we enter this last stretch of rehearsals. We will try our hardest to be respectful of time and to stick to the rehearsal schedule, but we must get through everything if we are going to be able to have a successful show at the end of the month.