Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Something we forgot at the parent meeting

Thank you to everyone who came to the parent meeting! We appreciate you taking the time to be here.
We understand some people thought that our meeting was at the Peteetneet. Sorry for the mis-understanding. Peteetneet would not accommodate us for this meeting. Thank you to all of you who braved the Payson streets to find our meeting.
We want to thank everyone who signed up to be parent helpers. It really helps us out. We know that kid sitting can be a drag sometimes. And we really appreciate those who step up and sign up first. For those who did not sign up to help, or didn't get the chance to sign up please do. (e-mail us) Please keep in mind, these are super AMAZING kids. We have such a blast watching these plays come together. We know that you will as well.

After the parent meeting was over, we already can see that not enough people have signed up to help with kid control. This is very important, this keeps our kids safe. We as a board can not do this alone. Please look over your calender and find a day that you can help. E-mail us soon, these spots will fill up. You could be stuck with an inconvenient day. If we do not fill up all the times, we will assign times to those who did not sign up. Also look over the dates of the performances. We need that same help on those nights as well! These really are just fun kids to be around.

We will be sending out a list on the Newsletter of those things that we still need help with. We will also be giving you contact information for the Board of Directors. We are happy to answer any of your questions. But if you need to talk to us before that time, please send us an e-mail at the Upstage e-mail address on the side bar...

Now for the thing we forgot. Several of you will notice on your calenders that March is missing! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! We are so sorry about that. We cannot forget these.

March 4th, 6th & 7th!

These are the last performances. These are incredibly important, we don't want anyone to miss a performance after all that hard work. Mark those on your calender...

Last, several people have asked us about missing rehearsals. Although you can miss 3, if you don't have to we wish you wouldn't. And if you are an hour late, it is considered a miss. Please also don't make it a habit to pick your kids up early. We schedule these practises and give you a lot of time to consider if these dates work for you. If in the end you decide that these cannot work in your schedule, we would rather you drop now. Don't wait until the last month.

We are so excited to get Willy Wonka started. It is a privilege to work with your kids. It is so exciting to see Voices, Acting and Dance come together. The kids bond, and the whole process is amazing to watch. Thank you for borrowing us your very talented kids. They continue to amaze us each time we see them. It has been especially exciting to see all of these new faces! It is always exciting to meet the parents of these very amazing kids. It is obvious why they are so amazing.