On our roles we already have several cast members that have missed more than just one day that was not scheduled. We understand that some of these are due to unforeseen circumstances. But many of these missed rehearsal days are being missed for no good reason. Although we are willing to work with many things, not planning well is not one of them. If you already have 2 days that you have missed you need to ask yourself, How committed to this am I? 3 missed rehearsal days, any cast member is automatically released from Willy Wonka. (this is in the contract that everyone signed) And the only way to return is to petition the Board.
We do have a few cast members that we are already worried about. The directors have already selected some replacements if any more rehearsals are missed. We are having particularly bad problems with the kids older than 14. This is a warning to everyone, please be careful. If you are not willing to fully commit to this production talk to us now. We would rather you left the cast now, than later. We don't want to lose anyone, but the whole cast suffers when just a few or even one person continues to miss.
We have also had several people not just be a little tardy, but up to 20 to 30 minutes late. You sometimes are hold up the entire cast. No tardies are o.k. Please arrive early. The directors also asked me to mention that Mutual, although a worthy use of your time. Is NOT a legitimate excuse for leaving Rehearsal's early. Please do not plan to leave early any longer if you have been for Mutual.
Chad & Tina would like all of the cast members with lines to know that the entire play needs to be memorized by January 1st! If that is you, please plan to spend November & December learning your lines.
We want to give a very special thanks to all the little ones, always showing up on time. To everyone who is coming on time, especially with a big smile ready to work. We are so proud of all that we have scene so far. Thank you to the parents who have come to help. We are especially thankful to those parent who come in and sit with the cast, and make sure little cast squirrels don't run in the hall. Thanks for all you do. Be safe on Halloween!