Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November Rehersal

These are AMAZING kids. The songs and dances are rough, but they are coming together with all this hard work. Soon we will be taking our big break. Next week will be the last rehearsals of the year. EVERY cast member will receive a CD with all the music he or she needs to learn. Your CD will fit your part. So listen to it, and practise all of December.
Here are some fun pictures of the cast, and a few movies of parts. Kids you are awesome, we love you and are so excited to see you SHINE!
We as a Board want to send a special thanks out to the older kids. You guys are so sweet and cute with these younger kids. They look up to you all so much. Thank you for helping them with their dances and helping them to feel a part of this process. And thank you to the younger kids, they are so excited to be at rehearsals. Even when they are confused, we just love to see their smiling faces. Thank you guys, this cast is turning into a family. It is exciting to watch. You guys make all the hard work, worth it. Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving, and an Awesome Christmas. And check here at the end of December, we will for sure have some information that you will need for that January Start Up! And Don't Forget to Practise...
We Love Ya-