The casting process is never easy. As we consider each person we cast in any show, we need to consider so many things. Does this person have any conflicts? Has this person been on time ready and willing to work hard in the past? Has this person tried out for Upstage before? Before we ask any of those questions we listen and watch voice and dance experience. Acting talent. Does this person's "Look" fit the part? So many things go into these decisions.

To those who are on the list below, Congratulations from all of us at Upstage Theatre. We are so excited about this new fun and exciting adventure we are about to start. This cast is very diverse, many new faces to Upstage. Also some amazing and overwhelming talent that have worked their way up into the leads that they deserve. Well done to you all, Chad and Tina and the entire staff at Upstage is proud and excited to work with you.

Drum Role Please-
Congratulations to
Jazmin Moyano - Little Red Hood
Rachel Hansen - Fairy Godmother
Meg Garrett - Medium Purple Hood
Ashlin Alexander - Big Green Hood
Jason Colver - Big Bad Wolf "We are feeling a little Elvis here"
Who will win the heart of little Red?
Adam Cardoza - Loud Prince Frank
Justin Craig- Wise Prince Jason
Curtis Hindes - Strong Prince Justin
Seth Mason - Mr. Hood
Jensen Williams - Mrs. Hood
Austin Houtz - King "what kind of crazy kingdom will this be?"
Noelle Peck - Queen
Belen Moyano - Evil Queen
Faith Greenwood - Awesome Grandma
In the Dragon's Keep-
Paul Krueger - Oswald
Josh Lewis - Gerald
Skyler Fitzwater - Ronald "he's got your back"
Dance it away girls-
Alexis Barnum - Emma
Dayle Williams - Sophie
Megan Peterson - Marie
Randi Allred - Louise (UPS Girl)
Nick Yorganson - Narrator #1
Riley Corrigan - Narrator #2
Amazing Animal Friends:
Abigail Mason
Danielle Wilkinson
Scout Callister
Sophie Callister
Jaxon Bulkley
Halle Bulkley
Isaac Barnum
Jackson Fitzwater
Jennifer Cannon
Hannah Garrett
You will be pulling off an amazing 6 part harmony,
this is NO small part kids! Come to sing, and come to sing LOUD!
You do like to dance dont you?
You were picked for these part specifically because of your sound & dancing.
Tasha Griffin
Andrew Cannon
Annie Kranenburg
Sarah Greenhood
Nick Moyano
Shelby Bulkley
Maralee Nielson
Saylor Callister
Samantha Ellis
Kassi Ellis
Cambrielle Fitzwater
Chantelle Wilkinson
Brock Bulkley
Ignacio Moyano
Marshayla Nielson
Bayli Alexander
Benjamin Cardoza
Rebekah Garrett
Dallin Wilkinson
Emily Garrett
Coulson Bingham
Josh Mason
Now the real work will begin. Over the next few months we on the production team will work hard to get things ready for this cast to begin rehearsals. We will have our parent meeting soon. Please check this blog for details. Make this your weekly checking spot for the next few months. With such a large cast we will not be calling everyone. During our parent meeting we will answer any questions that you have. You can also e-mail us at the Upstage e-mail address on the side bar. We will make every effort to get this information posted so that you have plenty of time schedule around it.
Several members that have been cast in leading roles mentioned potential conflicts in Feb and March. We did consider these conflicts. If you plan to join a cast at the Salem Hills or any other School in this area that will conflict with Upstages Rehearsal Schedule please alert us this week. Your part will be re-cast. We ask that you contact your teacher if you feel that a grade may be involved, to resolve this problem now. You will need to choose Upstage or the schools production. Upstage rely's on our plays to generate enough income to produce our next production. We cannot have cast members drop out or be late because they are trying to be in two plays. If you need to drop now, we will hold no hard feelings at all.
Please remember that any e-mails to or about Board members, their families, Directors or their families will be carefully considered before they are forwarded. Anyone using the e-mail address as a chance to bash members of the cast will be banned from future Upstage productions. If you have questions about how Upstage is run please visit the side bar and click the link with the Big Red Star. Although it was from a previous show we feel it will give an idea of what the process is like. With the exception that the Board was not in the choosing process with Wid Wed!
Lets Get this Party Started!