Well the tryouts and callbacks are over. And we here at Upstage have been eating Turkey and relaxing! We know that you have been checking this blog, and checking it twice to find out what fun is coming up! I even hear of one special sweetheart that checks it before the Hannah Montana website. WOW! We feel pretty special to be ranked up there with Hannah... So here is a tiny update.
First I just want to say that I have looked over the cast list. And checked it twice myself. The more I have looked the more excited I get. This group is going to be so much fun to work with. I feel blessed to be able to get to know everyone. Chad and Tina are buzzing with excitement. In fact the whole Board is vibrating about this fun play. The acting, the singing the dancing. All are going to be challenging and fun. Start talking about it to your friends NOW! And be a fan of Upstage on Facebook. We love that!

The first rehearsal for this play will be on January 4th at 4-6pm. At the Peteetneet! Every cast member must attend. We will have the parent meeting at the same time. We will give out schedules and have you fill out all the paperwork there. We will try to use the e-mail addresses we got at tryouts to contact everyone. But check this blog first. It will be updated more often, with more information than any e-mail we send out. We know that we are a little bit slow right now. With the Holidays everyone is just trying to keep their heads above water. But we hope that each and every cast member will know that we are so excited to get started. You all did such a wonderful job at tryouts and callbacks. The talent was through the roof!
Here is the first 2 weeks of rehearsals. We do already have schedules for the entire play, and I am happy to make copies for anyone who would like them. You will receive them at the first rehearsal if you can wait. (I can e-mail them in JPEG format if you e-mail me personally, I am on the side bar) All rehearsals are Monday-Wednesday from 4pm to 6pm. Some may be later closer to performance times. But we should be able to let you know in advance. Techies will have Saturday Rehearsals added.
January 2010 4-6pm
Monday the 4th Everyone Read thru
Tuesday the 5th Everyone Music
Wednesday the 6th Everyone Choreography
Monday the 11th Leads
Tuesday the 12th Leads
Wednesday the 13th Everyone Review to point
E-mail the Upstage e-mail address (on the sidebar) if you have any questions. We monitor it regularly. I cant express enough how grateful we are to work with this cast. Have a Great Holiday, don't eat to much candy! Check this blog for more information on the parent meeting in a few weeks.
The "I' in this e-mail is Michelle Fitzwater, I am on the Board and run the blog
the "We" in the e-mail is the entire staff at Upstage!