How to Become an Auditioning Pro:
Since for some of
you actors out there, this could be one of the first times you are auditioning
for a musical, we at Upstage Theatre decided to give you some helpful tips on how
to audition in a way that will give the best impression!
What to wear:
It’s best to look
put-together for auditions, not sloppy or flashy, just wear some casual
comfortable clothes and shoes in which you can move. It’s best to have your hair out of your face,
so your directors can see your classic expressions.
Be Positive:
Attitude is one
of the most IMPORTANT parts of an audition!! Go in with a positive attitude,
but don’t be overconfident. It’s not good to assume you already have a
part before you get it, because if the cast list isn’t what you expected, it would
be disappointing. Walk in with a smile on your face, exude confidence,
and be polite and gracious to everybody in the room. Good sportsmanship isn’t
just for sports!
The singing:
Make sure you
choose a song that best suits your vocal range, and also the style of the
character that you would like to play. Also, choose a song that’s not sung very
often. Songs from popular musicals and musicals that have recently been turned
into movies are often performed. So, here’s a big secret that not very
many actors tell you; you will stand out much more by singing a unique song
that you can sing extremely well.
Know the show:
It always is
helpful to know the show for which you are auditioning. If you haven’t
seen or heard of it before, it’s good to do a little research on it. This
way, you know what role to try out for, and just how much fun it could be!
You are awesome, no matter what:
If you do, or don’t get
the part you want, it is important to remember that everyone is special and has
an important part to play. No one is any more or less important than the next
person! If you don’t get the part you wanted, it doesn’t mean that we don’t
like or love you, it just means that we may have a different idea about how the
role could be played. If you do get the part, be gracious and respectful
towards your fellow actors!!
We are so excited to set out on this
fun musical adventure with all of you! Break a leg, and we’ll see you soon!